UN Water Conference 2023: Observations from a long-time Water Stewardship Practitioner
April 6, 2023
On March 22-24, 2023 Marcia Brewster from the UNA Westchester Chapter represented UNA-USA at the UN Water Conference in New York City! The report brings Marcia’s observations and knowledge from a three-decade career at the United Nations focusing on water, sanitation, sustainable development and gender issues.
“Talks at the UN Water Conference ended with a broad agreement that water should be treated as a global common good and a fundamental human right, and that the world’s approach to water management should be more holistic, given its connection with energy, climate, food, gender equality and national security. The important voices of indigenous people, women and youth, in addition to governments, the private sector and civil society organizations need to be recognized.”
– Marcia Brewster, President of UNA Westchester (NY) Chapter.