Afraa Ahmed, M.D.
Fellowship of the Iraqi Commission for Medical Specialization in Community Medicine , Ph.D.
Scientific Council of Community Medicine
Major fields of study: General Epidemiology; Infectious Diseases; Biostatistics;Primary Health Care; Public Health; Administration; Occupational & Environmental Medicine; Mother Child Health (prenatal, natal, postnatal);Social medicine and Nutrition.
Al- Mustansiriya University College of Medicine
- in Medicine and General Surgery
Major fields of study: Internal Medicine; General Surgery; Pediatric; Gynecology; Obstetric.
Eating smart. Being active/ university of California 2014
Mental health/ California 2015
First aid/ CPR AED/ American Heart Association 2015
Volunteer, State Seal of Biliteracy
2013 – Present
Apple Valley Unified School District
Representative, English Learner Advisory Committee
2014 Apple Valley Unified School District
Parent Education Volunteer 2013
Apple Valley Unified School District
School Health Doctor
Oct 2007 – Feb 2013
Universal Schools (universalschools. com)
Amman, Jordan
- Surveillance, Management and control of communicable diseases among the students in each school.
- Monitor the incidence, distribution, and possible control of diseases and other factors relating to health.
- Evaluate & follow up each student with communicable disease sick leave.
- Implementation and follow up of the Jordanian school health program, including but not limited to vaccination for specific age groups.
- Supervising and analysis of statistical data relevant to the program specifically Targeted infectious Diseases by the Jordenian National Vaccination program.
- Planning, monitoring and evaluation of school health plans, including follow up, evaluation and implementation of Future plans for next school year.
- Supervising ,monitoring & evaluation of health activities for 2 school clinics.
- Supervising and follow up of the performance of 2 nurses, 10 school staff, and coordination with members of the schools administration.
- Medical management and follow up of students with chronic diseases,assessment of wellness & mental health according to their grades in coordination with counselors of each school.
- Maintain & monitor Drugs, health & first aid supplies for school clinics mini pharmacy.
- Supervising & assessing school water supply for drinking & swimming purposes.
- Medical management and follow up of teachers and staff health issues, chronic diseases, emergency cases.
- Filing and follow up of sick leave for school staff.
- Appointed healthcare provider at Universal Schools by the Euro Arab Insurance Group in 2011 (see euroarabins.com).
Director of HIV/AIDS Control Center for Travelers,
Jan 2003 – Jul 2007 Primary Health Care Department
Baghdad, Iraq
- Investigate patterns and causes of HIV/STD among Vulnerable age groups specifically Reproductive ones.
- Contact tracer of each positive case of HIV/STI & their contact.
- Screening to reduce the risk of occurrence of HIV/STD outcomes through testing of risk groups.
- Epidemiological Surveillance of refugees & internally displaced persons (IDPs) for STD & HIV as our work related.
- Analysis of statistical data of screening tests according to demographic distribution
- Coordination, arrangement and participation in the technical and administrative aspect of the work as part of the implementation of the Iraqi national program of HIV/AIDS.
- Premarital counseling concerning HIV, STI causative microorganisms, vertical transmission of the disease, outcome of pregnancy in infected mother, complications of both fetus and mother.
- Conducting research & KAP studies to assess the prevalence of the diseases.
- Preparing educational materials as pamflet, brochures & booklet to show the importance of community education as a key role in preventing highly communicable diseases
- Participating in workshops, meetings, National & International conferences as a Trainer or participant.
- Lecturer for training courses for STD , HIV related courses for medical & paramedical staff.
- Continuous meetings & coordination’s with the health policy maker at the Iraqi Ministry of health / Department of Public health to update & evaluate the national program activities.
Physician and member of Public Medical Clinics deputy,
1998 – Oct 2006 Ministry Of Health
Baghdad, Iraq
- In 2005, assigned as a municipality substitute to the clinic director.
- Management and control of communicable diseases at community level.
- Evaluation and follow up of the implemented health plan and administrative responsibilities of the clinical work.
- Mother Child Health care services (prenatal, natal, postnatal).
- Pediatric care as preventive and medical services.
- Medical management and follow up of patients with chronic diseases.
Director of HIV/AIDS Control Section
Aug 2000 – Dec 2002
Primary Health Care Department
Baghdad, Iraq
- Established the section as the Syndromic management according to the new WHO concept for AIDS-HIV infections.
- Planning the section annual plan in coordination & under the supervision of the Iraqi National Program of HIV/AIDS (WHO – MOH Program).
- Analysis of statistical data of screening tests according to demographic distribution.
- Follow up concerning the traveler’s center for HIV testing, sensitivity, and specificity of the test.
- Contact tracer of each positive case of HIV/STI & their families.
- Investigate patterns and causes of HIV/STD among the community especially known risk groups.
- Provide Medical & social supports for Patients & their families
- Provide & Maintain essential therapeutic medications & supplements.
- Monitor the Epidemiological Surveillance channels which includes checking donated blood,premarital screening tests, expatriate & foreign labor examination,counselling services through HIV test.
- Monitoring of pre operational screening tests.
- Evaluate & update the Voluntary examination screening for the community by encouraging their engagement & active enrollment through media , pamphlets & conferences.
- Supervising and follow up of the performance of 3 medical staff, 10 paramedical staff, and members of the section.
- Continuous meetings & coordinations with the health policy maker at the Iraqi Ministry of health / Department of Public health to update & evaluate the national program activities.
- Preparation and participation in the training courses for medical and paramedical staff concerning STI’s, HIV and related programs as a facilitator or lecturer.
- Prepared and participated in conducting the annual anniversary of AIDS international day at the first of December every year.
Director of Surveillance Unit, Primary Health Care Departmen
Mar 2000 – Aug 2000 Control of Communicable Disease section
Baghdad, Iraq
- Systematic evaluation and improvement of surveillance system and program practices and procedures to meet defined indicators.
- Development, maintenance, and data retrieval from communicable disease databases using a relational database structure.
- Provides the scientific and factual database to inform the public health department to take appropriate public health action.
- Investigating acute enteric, respiratory, and other disease outbreaks, urgent cases of communicable diseases, and TB cases.
- evaluating ad hoc data requests about disease trends and outbreaks to determine which data are available, reliable, and valid for analysis and dissemination.
- Writing morbidity reports and updating policies, protocols and procedures relating to communicable disease surveillance data collection, storage, reporting, sharing, and dissemination.
- Follow up the implementation of the National surveillance plan of communicable diseases in coordination with other programs and organizations (Governmental and
- Initiate and participate in the training courses concerning surveillance and related primary health care programs as trainer or lecturer.
- Participated in many national health campaigns, training courses, surveys, workshops, conferences and International health relation activities at different levels.
School Health Program Manager Assistant
1999 – 2000
- Assisted in supervising and directing all program activities including administrative and technical activities.
- Surveillance, Management and control of communicable diseases among schools students at central & peripheral level.
- Monitor the prevalence , incidence, and possible control of communicable diseases and other factors relating to students’ health.
- Participated in supervising and analyzing statistical data relevant to the program plan at central and governorate level.
- Followed up the implementation of the national school health plan in coordination with other programs and organizations. (Governmental and Non-Governmental).
- Participating in school health planning at the National level.
- Prepared and participated in training concerning school health and related programs.
- Participated in many national health campaigns, training courses, surveys, workshops, conferences and International health relation activities at different levels.
Mother Child Health Program Assistant Manager, Ministry of Health
1997 – 1999
- Supervising and assisting in directing all program activities including administrative and technical activities.
- Provide access and information to families about health services available to benefit both the child and the parents.
- Development, maintenance, and data retrieval from mother child health databases using a relational database structure at governorate level.
- Promoting the health of pregnant women
- Providing sex education and sexual reproductive health services
- Development and implementation of changes in health services for the community
- Providing methods of healthy family planning
- Working on prevention & treatment of Reproductive age groups diseases and illnesses
- Participated in supervising and analysis of statistical data relevant to the program plan at central and governorate level.
- Analyze and update Mother Child health programs that work to protect individuals and families from illnesses, and promote an overall healthy lifestyle for all members of their community especially reproductive age groups .
- Followed up the Implementation of MCH plan in coordination with other PHC programs and organizations (Governmental and Non Governmental).
- Participated in MCH planning at National level.
- Followed up and monitored program activities at central and peripheral levels.
- Participated in many national health campaigns, training courses surveys, workshops, conferences and international health activities at different levels as lecturer or trainer.
- Coordinated, arranged and participated in the technical and administrative meetings with the national counterpart as well as other counterparts (UNICEF, WHO, UNDP) as part of implementation of MCH program.
- Actively participated in the “Iraq Child and Maternal Mortality Survey, 1999,” as a rapporteur to the survey.
- Participated in the National Surveys studies at the planning, implementation, data collection and reporting level.
- Participated as a facilitator in the workshops concerning the survey for the medical staff at the central and governorate level In coordination with Unicef and WHO for the period 15/10/1998 to 15/2/1999.
- Planning and participation in the implementation of the National symposium for reproductive health in coordination with WHO and the Iraqi Family Planning Organization.
Fellowship , Iraqi Commission for Medical Specialization in Community Medicine
1992 – 1996
The training program includes:
- Clinical Residency: resident in obstetric and gynaecology
- Academic Program: Epidemiology, Health Statistics, Communicable diseases, Health Administration, Social sciences, Maternity and child health care, Occupational Medicine, environmental Sciences, Training & Research, microbiology /Immunology,Mental
Health & Nutrition.
- Residency and health programs and clinical fields
- Subject of thesis: “A Clinico – Epidemiological Study Of Bacterial Vaginosis In Group Of Iraqi Women From Baghdad City”
Senior House Officer, Wassit Health Directorate
1991 – 1992
I worked as a primary healthcare provider at a primary Health Care Center Implementing National Public health programs , Monitoring & updating feedback to the central level at the Health care Department for future impact.
Resident Doctor, Baghdad General Hospital Iraq
1989 – 1991
Resident Doctor in Medicine/General Surgery/Pediatric/Gynecology and Obstetrics in Baghdad general hospitals.
The Current Status of Diphtheria in Iraq. 1994
“A Clinico – Epidemiological Study Of Bacterial Vaginosis In A Group Of Iraqi Women From Baghdad City”. 1995
Iraq Child and Maternal Mortality Survey. 1999 HIV/AIDS Knowledge, attitude and beliefs among a group of Iraqis. 2007
In coordination with WHO, UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA
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Specific training HIV Control strategy |
Sep-2017 |
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STD Management |
Oct-2016 |
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Administrative skills |
Oct-2016 |
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STI’s, HIV/AIDS, during the period of: |
2003-2006 |
- National meeting of strategic planning of HIV/AIDS control in Iraq held in Jordan. 2005
- Training courses of safe motherhood within the MCH program, maternal and child mortality survey mother counseling to prepare trainers in the field of breastfeeding & local supervisor breast feeding survey & health services quality assurance program. 1997-1999
- Training, Means, & Methods within the PHC Rehabilitation project / Iraq. 1999
- Syndromic management of STD/HIV , school health services development conference,training courses of mental health in Baghdad, Iraq. 1998
- In coordination with the American Conscience International Organization, I participated as a facilitator in the technical and administrative meetings and workshops on Iraqi adaptation to develop training materials on women’s health in Baghdad, Iraq. 1997
- A member of the examining committee for students of the Iraqi Commission for Medical Specialization in Family and Community Medicine, one a KAPB study concerning AIDS. 2005-2006
Member, The Iraqi Medical Association
Member, The Jordanian Medical Association
Dr. Nada Al Ward
Retired public health consultant
previous : EHA Sub-Regional Coordinator World Health Organization alwardn@yahoo.com
Dr. Walid Al Tawil
Retired Former Chairman of the Scientific Board of Community and Family Medicine Iraqi Board of Medical Specialization
Dr. Al-Abbasi Abdulridha
Professor of infectious diseases and clinical immunology College of Medicine
Ali Hassan Hayyawi
Community Medicine Specialist, M.D. Ph.D. Al-Yarmouk teaching hospital hayawi2004@yahoo.com